Front Range Alliance Church exists to love and glorify God by presenting everyone complete in Christ (Colossians 1:28). We believe that mature Christians, by the grace of God, will accomplish the ministry that the Lord Jesus has given to the church. Children will be nurtured in the Lord, the gospel will be preached, missionaries will be sent, churches will be planted, and believers will do all to the glory of God, as the church grows up in the faith.
The inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture.
The expositional teaching and preaching of the whole counsel of God.
The shepherding of God’s people by elders.
The promotion of evangelism and missions.
The practice of God-centered, believer-oriented worship on the Lord’s day.
The necessity of corporate and private prayer in all things.
The preservation of the gospel which is salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
Position Papers →
Colorado Springs is sometimes called the “Christian Mecca” because of all the ministries headquartered here. But don’t be fooled by that reputation. There are tens of thousands of men, women, boys, and girls who do not know Christ. They live in our neighborhoods, go to our schools, work in our buildings, and hang out in our communities — human beings just like you and me who have never heard the good news of Jesus. Part of Front Range Alliance Church’s (FRAC) mission to present everyone complete in Christ is to help unbelievers find forgiveness through the gospel. This part of the mission falls under what we call Fill The City.
We want to fill Colorado Springs with the message of the cross, and we’re currently expanding our church to do just that. As of March 2017, we started a new campus led by two pastors on the east side of Colorado Springs at Springs Ranch Elementary School. With a strong small group model as part of the backbone of this new campus and one service on Sunday mornings to start, we pray this campus will be a light to the school and the surrounding neighborhoods of the love of Christ.
The Lord Jesus has blessed us with strong leadership, devoted members, and a unified vision that we believe will enable us to reach out to numerous non-Christians through this multi-site model. As the Lord sovereignly opens the necessary doors, we are faithfully walking through them in hopes of filling our circles of influence with His name. As the east and west campuses continue to grow, we hope to start campuses on the north and south sides of town to proclaim Christ to more people in the various El Paso County communities.
Questions About What We Believe
What is the gospel of Jesus Christ? . . .
The word gospel means “good news.” We need good news because there is bad news. God created men, women, boys and girls to love and obey His Son, King Jesus. But none of us has done that; instead we do what we want to do. This rebellion makes God angry and provokes Him to punish us. That’s the bad news.
But God is also merciful and gracious. He has provided an escape from punishment in a striking way — through the death of His Son. Jesus became a man almost two thousand years ago. He obeyed God perfectly — the only human ever to do that. But then God punished Jesus as He hung on a cross and died as though He was the rebel. Three days later, He came back to life. And the good news is that God has promised to forgive everyone who believes in the death and resurrection of Jesus and who serves Jesus as their King. Jesus became a substitute, taking the punishment for our sins.
To gain this substitution for yourself, you must believe that you have sinned against God and deserve punishment. You must believe that Jesus was the substitution God provided for your sins, and that God punished Jesus in your place and raised Him from the dead, and that He is King of the universe. If you believe this, you will be saved from God’s punishment. That’s the Good News!
What is Baptism? . . .
Baptism is how a person expresses that he or she believes the gospel. It is a picture of death and resurrection, of coming to Jesus dirty and becoming perfectly clean through faith in His death and resurrection. It is a testimony to Jesus that a person trusts in Him for salvation. God wants all believers to profess their faith through baptism, as close to conversion as possible.
Why Give Financially to the Church? . . .
Our participation in the church involves the stewardship of all our resources, including our talents, time, money and possessions. Finances are one of God’s gifts to us, which are also to be used for the strengthening of the church. We are called to give generously to the work and ministry of the church.
I’m New Here
When and Where are Your Services? . . .
We are located at 5210 Centennial Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO, 80919.
Sunday Mornings:
- 9:00am - Sunday School (all ages)
- 10:15am - Worship
What Should I Wear? . . .
You’ll find Front Range Alliance Church to have a casual atmosphere – jeans, ties, bow ties, no ties, shorts, flip-flops, whatever! Wear what is comfortable for you.
When I Visit, Where Do I Go if I Have Questions? . . .
The Welcome Cove is to the right of the foyer when you first walk in the building. It is staffed with friendly people who will have the answers to your questions, and who are excited to meet you.
What can I Expect When I Visit Front Range Alliance Church? . . .
We worship Jesus. We are a friendly community devoted to each other in love. We care about people in all stages of life. We provide nursery through age 3, but all ages are welcome and encouraged to worship together.
Where Do I Bring My Child? . . .
Information for the appropriate class and location for your child is available at the Welcome Center in the foyer. We have a nursery and FRAC Kids classes for infants through sixth grade during the 9:00am Sunday School hour. During the 10:15am Worship Service, the nursery is available for infants through age 3. At this time, we do not have a Children's Church program during the worship service. Your children are welcome to join you in the main service.
Are There Sunday School Classes? . . .
Classes for ages 4 through adult meet at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. There is a nursery available for children under 4.
What is Available for High School Students? . . .
Our high school ministry meets multiple times during the week: Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m., and every other Sunday evening at 5 p.m (in various families homes). You’ll find a blend of teaching, fellowship and fun activities for youth in 7th-12th grades.
Is There a Program for Young Adults? . . .
IGNITE is our college and career group that meets weekly on Saturday night. For more information, contact Jeremy Graf.
What is the NewComers Luncheon? . . .
(WEST CAMPUS ONLY) Scheduled for the 2nd Sunday of the month immediately following the church service, this luncheon provides newcomers the opportunity to meet members of our body and ask questions about Front Range Alliance Church. There is no cost, and RSVP is not required to attend.
How Can I Connect with People? . . .
We have a wide array of ministries to help meet a variety of needs and life stages. Find out more about our ministries.
What is MyFRAC Community? . . .
As part of the Front Range Alliance Church family, you are welcome to use and become part of our online community (MyFRAC Community). When you log in, you will be able to see your own profile information including the groups in which you are participating and the serving positions you hold. You can access your giving record, explore events you might be interested in, easily communicate with other members, and so much more! You can update your profile information to make sure our records are correct and allow other people in the community to get to know you better.
What is Your Worship Service Like? . . .
We exalt Jesus through singing Christ-centered songs, praying, remembering Christ’s sacrifice through communion, and preaching Christ expositionally from God’s Word.
We choose songs carefully, based on how faithful they are to Scripture, how Christ-centered they are, and how helpful they are for worshiping Christ and encouraging His people. Much of our repertoire will be newer and current songs, but we will not abandon the old, rich hymns.
Our goal is to lead God’s people to worship and adore Jesus and to proclaim His glory and grace. He alone is worthy of our praise!
How Does Front Range Alliance Church Approach Communion? . . .
We traditionally serve communion on the first Sunday of each month. We invite all who have placed their faith in Jesus to participate whether you are a member or not.
When I'm Ready to Invest and Serve, What is My Next Step? . . .
If you are interested in taking the next steps in getting connected to Front Range Alliance Church, please contact [Alicia Reeves][3].
[3]: mailto: alicia@frontrangealliance.org
How Can I Give to Front Range Alliance Church? . . .
The opportunity to give to the Lord’s ministry is provided every Sunday morning during the worship service. You can also give online.
How Can I Become a Member? . . .
Along with your personal testimony of coming to faith in Christ and having had a believer’s baptism, you will be required to attend FRAC Foundations, our membership class.