What is New Covenant Theology - Session 4
What is New Covenant Theology - Session 3
Sunday Seminars are, by design, very interactive. To get the most out of the What is New Covenant Theology series, join us at 8:45am on Sunday mornings at FRAC West.
Note: No Sunday Seminar on September 29 due to Fifth Sunday Breakfast. Come enjoy breakfast burritos and fellowship at 8:45am!
What is New Covenant Theology - Session 2
Reminder that Cross to Crown has several New Covenant Theology books on sale for $8 each. See Krista Goodin on Sunday mornings.
In this session, Doug mentioned the novel For the Temple by G.A. Henty, available for purchase from Amazon or other booksellers.
What is New Covenant Theology - Session 1
New Covenant Theology Resources
Abraham’s Four Seeds by John Reisinger
God’s Chosen People by A. Blake White
What is New Covenant Theology? An Introduction by A. Blake White
NOTE: All three books may be purchased on Sunday mornings at FRAC West for $8 each.