Will Scott goes to the scientific evidence in this video. What does the physical world tell us? What does the Cosmos tell us? God or no God? Will does a great job explaining how the scientific evidence actually supports belief in a Creator and that it takes more faith to be an Atheist!
Apologetics: The Reliability of Scripture
Jefferson Black answers several popular objections to the Bible: Why should we trust it? Aren’t there a bunch of mistakes in the Bible? What about all the contradictions? Was Jesus a made up person or did he actually exist?
Parenting: Boys & Girls are Different
Doug Goodin talks about raising boys to be men and girls to be women. Why it's good for your kids to fail? And don't miss his thoughts on what Feminism has done to our families at the end of the talk! A great recap of the classes from this Spring.
Apologetics: The Problem of Evil
Dan Beck takes on the very emotional and philosophical question of why do bad things happen? Does this question need to be answered when defending the Faith? How can we stay on the Gospel and not get bogged down in debates? Don't miss this great interview based on the FRAC Discipleship Hour.
Parenting: Teens & Technology
Dave Wahl talks raising teenagers and how youth is not an age but a mindset. The need to pray for your teens, be open about sex, and how to lead them in the pursuit of wisdom. And what in the world do we do with technology! Exciting interview.
Apologetics with Bob Bryant
Bob Bryant shares how he came to the FRAC Family and his passion for apologetics. He also encourages every believer that they don't have to be an expert to defend the faith and talk to their neighbor about the truth of Jesus.
Parenting: Getting to the Heart of Behavior
Jim Kyner gives a great interview to address some topics parents need to know: Why getting to the heart of our children is so important. The difference between discipline and punishment. And how the teen years can turn out to be the sweet years.